IFC - Communications
IFC Acq-1
IFC Command Van flanked by 2 acquisition radar operators the mission command officer sat. others in this van were the computer operator and plotting board operator
Inside of the HiPower building, This was a vast improvement of the site done at a latter date that construction
cleaworth HiPar
Eric Cleworth next to the base of the HiPower antenna gives you a idea how big it is.
eds ttr work
Tracking crew doing checks on the TTR antenna
TTR tower
TTR antenna was on a tower to increase it's range
HiPar trail start
This is the HiPower antenna looking back up the hill
ifc power sign
Entrance to the Tach Power roon
tach power1
Inside the generator room when on "Hot Status" we would be on Tach Power one generator running the other on standby
TTR Closed
The tracking antennas were enclosed in these "Clamshells" which could be closed if they need to do repairs in bad weather.
Mike at Work
The microwave equipment was maintained by a Tech. from RCA Service Co. here the tech Mike Thomas working on one of the links.
harper com watch
SP4 Harper polishing a pair of boots while on "Comm Watch" a microwave radion link between the 5 sites had to be manned 24/7 even if the battery was down for repairs.
IFC from Road
Site Tare "Moose Creek" as seen from The Richardson Highway. This contains the IFC section, Administration, Mess Hall & crew quarters
Mikes Ham Radio Test
Mike also held a amateur radio license here he and some of the guys are making the first contact with his new Heathkit radio. Photo taken late at night lighting provided by "The Midnight Sun"
lakewood and mkes car
Mike had a real nice old car he drove up the Alcan Highway and restored while he was on our site
This is the target tracking console in the tracking van. It had 3 operators that watched separate scopes and when they all had the target in the scopes center they would flip tracking switches and the radar would be locked to the target. The 3 worked in range, elevation and azimuth
MTR console this had only 1 operator who tracked the missile on its path to the target