Our get together in 2009 at Hot Springs


The Guys from Hot Springs




 Above Paul auctioning off some of the "Moose Creek Merchandise" (keeps us in stamp money for the newsletter) next a display by Sharon and Wilbert Bobbitt to honor those that have passed on. At the left a look at the boat slips at the Last Chance and a shot of our waiter Ben he did such a great job in taking care of us all day.  Below a shot of the cook-out we did the following day at a home rented for the week end from friends of Ed Hansen and his wife.

Hot Springs  2009 A great time had by all on to Dayton Ohio.  

Lets keep it alive!




Any of you Guy's out there that have some computer savvy and are willing to help with the search for guys in the 63, 65, 67 or 69 time frame or later. We now have a roster's from all of these years  to research.  E Mail webmaster@a-2-562.org  and we can chat on how to do this. An alternate E Mail is rbtv@tds.net.